Lyndz Loves: Zit Zapper

Zit.  A word no one likes to hear unless they are playing Words with Friends.

Image result for my big fat greek wedding zit scene

A majority of us could open our cabinets right now and we would find expensive creams, gels, lotions, facial wipes, oils and tonics they have purchased, all promising "Clear Skin".  

Each filled with toxic chemicals that usually clog pores. Vanessa Cunningham recently wrote on Huffpost  "Many of these synthetic chemicals are skin irritants, skin penetrators, endocrine disrupters and are carcinogenic". 

More shockingly she describes thousands of chemicals our bodies absorb from these products all while beauty "companies have cart blanche to use any ingredient or raw material without government review or approval."

Would you be surprised to hear in 2016 Analysts from Goldman Sachs estimated the skincare beauty industry was worth $24 billion worldwide?

Image result for swimming in money gif

After seeing this information, I set out to discover a better solution to my acne woes and what I found was this natural and inexpensive method.  

The 3 ingredients in this Zit Zapping formula is less than a nickel to make and it works in reducing the size, swelling and redness of a zit.

1 Tsp. Baking Soda
1-2 drops Tea Tree Oil
1-2 drops Water

Mix 1 Tsp. Baking Soda with 1-2 Drops Tea Tree Oil and 1-2 Drops Water. Mix with clean cotton swab or clean finger in a shallow dish.  Create a paste and apply to Zit. 

Let it sit for 20 Minutes and wipe away with warm, clean cloth.

Apply 1-2 times a day as necessary.  

Picture source: Refinery29.Com
Gif Source: Giphy.Com


  1. Replies
    1. I'm so glad to hear that Gloria :) It is a great way to save money and cut out on all the extra stuff we just don't need.

  2. I like the way my skin feels after using the baking soda. Thanks for the tips!

    1. I use baking soda for other fun things, like cleaning my hair. I have a friend who drinks it in the morning with lemon and swears it helps with PH. So interesting.


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